Legacy & Leadership Retreat

The Accelerated Pathway to Freedom

Hey Clint & Kristie here, and we’re excited to announce our first intimate retreat, hosting together at our beautiful sacred land ‘Jila’ in the Northern Rivers. 

We’ve invested so much into our personal development… We’ve attended (and hosted) many retreats, workshops, and events over the years, all over the world and know the profound impact this has had on our personal power, relationship with money, how we show up which resulted in the global business we now have, and the life of freedom we know get to live. 

Book Your Retreat

We decided to open up a unique and intimate experience to support our Enagic community. Those fully committed to unlocking their leadership, achieving legacy and creating a life of time and financial freedom.

Over two and a half days with a small group of 12 committed people we will deep dive into your specific business needs and mechanics. . 

Our intention is you’ll leave the retreat with complete clarity, and confidence, feeling empowered on your next steps, and your path to legacy for you and your family over the next few years.

Whats Covered

Nail Your Marketing

Get clear on your unique point of difference, and be speaking to your audience in a powerful way that inspires them to act and join you and your business. 

Untapped Creative Flow 

How to un clog the creative pipes, and tap into a flow of never ending creative ideas to deliver your message in a light, inspiring and fun way.

Put A Ring On It!

Learn how to create a dynamic, committed, deep, intimate, passionate, inspiring, growth led relationship with your business.

Radiate Your Magnetic-Power 

How to Show up with

Courage and conviction in your Leadership & "MAGNETISE" people to you. 

YOUR Enagic Legacy Blueprint

Blaze your unique trail, creating business and a freedom life based on your unique vision aligning congruently and authenticity with Enagics vision. 

Fast Track The Legacy Leadership Pathway. 

The accelerated pathway to time and financial freedom. 

Get ready to finally live free!

This is for you if…

2.5 Day, 3 Night Retreat

Whats Included:

All Teachings, Content, Workshops, Masterminding, Coaching, Mentoring, Q&A’s, Networking, Embodiment Practices, Meals Together, Shared Accommodation, Enjoy Our Sauna, & Cold Plunge, and the Full Experience of Nature Bathing at and in our Beautiful Freshwater Creek, and All The Beauty our Rainforest Retreat Centre Has To Offer.

The Exchange

Just AUD$3998

Payment Plans Also Available

By the way, we’d normally charge 5K for an experience like this however as you’re part of our Enagic community, we’ve created a discounted exchange as we want to support you, and by doing so it supports our team to thrive and impacts the global mission and legacy of Enagic. 

Spaces Limited, and we predict it will sell out.

So Secure Your Spot Today! 

Book Your Retreat Now